Biology Basic Concepts For Beginners According to Course: 1st Year Medical _ Intermediate Level Punjab Textbook Board (PTB).
A thing having all these characteristics are considered Living and it is said that this thing has Life.
Beside living things there are also certain factors which do not have life but are essential for life and affects the Life of living things in one way or in another way. We also cal them non living environmental factors.
Introduction To Biology
The Topics of Discussion are:
The topics which we will study now, overview of topics which we will Study now.
Literal Meaning of Biology
Consists of two words “bio” and “logy”.Derived from two Greek words “bios” and “logos”.
•“bios” meaning Life
•“logos” meaning thought or Reasoning.
So Literally meaning of biology is "The Study of Life"
Definition of Biology
“The branch of Science in which we study living things and the factors affecting the living things.”
“The branch of science which deals with the study of life along with factors affecting life.”What is Life?
No one can absolutely define Life, Everyone define life according to his thoughts e.g. Different Philosophers have different ideas about life.
But the Biologists define life as “A set of characteristics that distinguish living things from non living things (including dead organisms).”
these characteristics are:
- Highly Organized
- Complex Entities
- Made up of one or more cells
- genetic setup
- Respiration
- Metabolism
- Growth
- Homeostasis
- Reproduction
- Sensitivity.
Explanation of Definition
Definition tells us, in biology we study two things.- Living Things
- Non Living Things affecting the Life of Living things.
Living Things
All the things which have life are considered living. In this we study different aspects of living organisms i.e. their form, structure , functioning behavior and so on.
Example of living things are: animals including man, plants and microorganisms.
Non Living Things affecting the Life of Living things
This reveals that in Biology we also study environmental factors
Examples of these factors are: air , soil, light , temperature and water etc…
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