
Frequently Asked Logical Questions and their Answer| YT Academy

Frequently Asked Logical Questions and their Answer by YT Academy


Q.1 Why are protozoans included in the kingdom protoctista?

Ans All eukaryotic unicellular and simple multicellular organisms are placed in this kingdom. Actually this is very diverse kingdom! Kingdom protista is actually the kingdom of exclusion .. All the organisms that are excluded from other kingdom are placed in this kingdom.
As protozoa cannot fit in all other kingdoms therefore it is placed in this kingdom for their classification and study.

Q.2 What are the categories of biodiversity?

Ans: There are the groups and sub groups into which organisms are classified.
these groups are called ‘taxa’
These groups are:
  1. Kingdom
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Order
  5. Genus
  6. species
  • Kingdom is the main or large group.. While species is the smallest ranked Group.
  • all the organism are broadly divided into 5 Kingdoms

Q.3 Is there any living thing on earth that lives solely on carbon dioxide?

Ans: No, It is possible in absolute sense that it only requires CO2 . It because organic compound are made up of C,H,O as essential components while some other elements are also involved like nitrogen on proteins.
organisms are made up of organic molecules which in turn made up of C,H,O,N and other elements in small amounts.
That’s the reason that any organism cannot live only on CO2

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