Important Points of Today's Meeting of President PMC with Students
⭐️ PMC will issue Certificate of Good standing to those Doctors willing to take International licensing examinations like USMLE and PLAB after doing House job (On provisional registration)
GMC asks for certificate of Good standing for provisional or full registration.
So you can either go straight for PLAB after graduation and without holding any kind of registration to avoid the requirement of providing Certificate of Good standing
OR you can get your certificate of Good Standing after completing your house job while on provisional registration.
I have also attached the proof above from my conversation with GMC.
⭐️ You cannot be exempted after passing USMLE or PLAB. NLE is must.
⭐️ Regarding 70% passing criteria, he mentioned that it is necessary to set this mark to check the safety of the doctor in terms of patient handling. “The exam will not be made in a way that will stop students from passing with 70% marks”, he further added.
⭐️ Paid House Jobs: President PMC said that, “All House jobs will be paid.” For LMGs it is the duty of their parent institution to provide paid house job.
⭐️ International examination centres will be made where a considerable amount of candidates are present, which will be checked after they have registered for NLE.
⭐️ He also talked about recognised post graduation from abroad. List of Additional postgraduate courses has already been uploaded on PMC website and information is being collected for the register of recognised PG.
⭐️ He said that currently NLE will be held twice a year but there is possibility of taking it thrice or four times every year as well depending upon the logistics.
⭐️ He answered general questions of FMGs regarding different pathways and if NLE can be taken before House job or not. ( Already explained in PMC policies and website)
⭐️ Question: 5 year Mbbs or 6 year Mbbs, which is acceptable?
It depends on the university. If they include house job in your study duration that makes it of six years, then you can directly take NLE in Pakistan without doing house job again (If the country of your education is in Country list 1)
⭐️ NLE can be taken during House Job
⭐️ For FMGs: PMC does not require attested or notarised documents anymore for registration online. And if someone has yet to receive his original documents and wants to apply for NLE or Provisional registration, he can show proof of passing final exams from his university which will be confirmed by PMC by emailing the university on their official email address.
This is as much as I can recall from today’s meeting. I tried to write everything according to the best of my memory and if there is any correction needed then please point it out.
🔰PMC president also mentioned holding another session like this so there will be more meetings to clarify our questions.
Plus the participant limit was 100 so make sure you join fast next time.
Thank you !!!
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