
How to memorize muscles | human Anatomy |YT Academy

How to memorize muscles | human Anatomy |YT Academy

In this video i will tell you trick by which you can find the origin, insertion or action of a muscle by just looking on its name. For this you should have basic knowledge of bones and medical LATIN. 
For example: flexor carpi radialis: flexor means it causes flexion, carpi means of wirst and radialis show the course of that muscle. In short it is the flexor muscle that flex the wirst and its course is along radius bone.
For example: flexor carpi ulnaris: flexor means it causes flexion, carpi means of wirst and ulnaris show the course of that muscle. In short it is the flexor muscle that flex the wirst and its course is along ulnar bone.

For example: flexor carpi radialis: flexor means it causes flexion, carpi means of wirst and radialis show the course of that muscle. In short it is the flexor muscle that flex the wirst and its course is along radiud bone.

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